
you are not an object

objective reality will never explain or satisfy our subjective experience.

no matter how advanced our scientific research and technology becomes at explaining the natural world, we will forever remain in subjective reality. our subjective experience cannot be fully explained because any explanation or interpretation of that experience would, by definition, be an object within subjectiveness itself.

no matter how far forward we explore, seek, learn or expand our intellectual understanding of the objective universe, we will never experience any thing that is actually outside of "ourselves". we could fly to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, we could define the innermost workings of the sub-conscious, we could fall madly in love, we could discover alien life, or we could meet God, and we would only arrive right where we began; subjective experience.

this is not to say that objective reality or the scientific/intellectual study of objects has no value. in fact, they are of infinite value!

without the appearance, exploration and understanding of objective phenomena, our subjective experience would be void of any experiential qualities. it would be a non-experience. that is to say, in the absence of objects, our subjective experience is something akin to deep sleep. this non-experience is a collapse of time, space, and the objective universe as we know it. however, from our own direct knowledge, we explicitly understand that life is not always a non-experience. it is most certainly something most of the time--something that is greatly misidentified.

this mis-identification begins with fear of non-experience. in the human condition, we confuse our subjective awareness with an object (usually the body), and in-turn, we become convincingly terrified that all the universe will vanish when this vulnerable, limited human object comes to pass.

all objects come to pass. no object is permanent. therefore all objects are dependent on some sort of preexisting, permanent infrastructure. what could that be? what is the preexisting infrastructure of the entire objective universe? could it be anything other than our own subjective awareness? is this not our direct experience? have you ever experienced anything outside of your own awareness?

if we are completely honest, there is no such thing as an objective experience. the body (or any object for that matter) is nothing more than a passing phenomenon within subjective awareness. there can be no empirical evidence of any object without the simultaneous presence of subjective awareness. they are inseparable. the opposite is also true; there can be no empirical evidence of subjective awareness without the simultaneous presence of an object.

this is all to say that life is one.

however, the human condition at large is deeply spellbound by objective reality. we firmly believe that we are a limited, vulnerable, fleshy little object in a vast, complex system of innumerable objects--most of which are in some way a threat to our short life.

this completely innocent misidentification can begin to be corrected with one honest look towards our direct experience right now: are you within the body, or is the body within you? right now, are you within the world, or is the world within you? were you born? will you die? from your own empirical experience, which is all that you have, have you ever not been? have you ever experienced anything outside of your own awareness?

asking these questions deeply and honestly, will reveal the truth of who you are and who you will always be.


  1. That is Awesome dude. It reminds me of my all time favorite passage from I-Reality and Subjectivity. David R. Hawkins Pgs 398-399.

    "The way out is simple: Direct one's focus inward to the absolute subjectivity of all experiencing. Examine the nature of the sense of subjectivity that accompanies every expression of life. Without labeling, note that at all times, in every instant, in every moment, in every circumstance, there is always present the ultimately irreducible, underlying substrate of subjectivity. It never changes. The essence of experiencing, in all it's forms (thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing, etc.) is the presence of this subjective quality. Then look further to find out what this subjective experiencing is that is ever present. Without it, there would not be the possibility of knowing that one exists.
    Ask "How am I aware or even know that I exist." That question is the best that can be acted upon for it leads directly to the ever present Reality. Identify with that quality, capacity, or condition of ever present subjectivity which is experienced as an underlying awareness. It is consciousness itself. Identify with that consciousness instead of the "what" it is conscious about. That is the direct route to the Self. It is actually the only practice that leads through the doorway. There is nothing to know, to learn, or to remember. It is merely necessary to focus, fixate, meditate, contemplate, look at, and realize that the substrate and source of existence is the radical subjectivity of the Presence of God as the Light of Consciousness."

  2. that is beautiful! thanks for sharing. it's amazing how incredibly simple the truth of it is. like he says "There is nothing to know, to learn, or to remember." it seems that there is a process to it, but at the same time, it is astoundingly 'here'. life is beautiful!
