
My Heart (The Intangible Depth of My True Self) Pt. 3

The evolution of humans on earth is for one purpose: love. This love is the genuine intention of the entire universe. Everything in existence is an affirmation of the impeccable accuracy and perfection of love's desire to be.

Consider human beings in all of our physical, intellectual, and emotional complexity. How perfect is the brain? The lungs? The eyes? How real and layered is anger, beauty, or even boredom? How far can math, science, and physics reach? How deep are relationships, society, and politics? All of these aspects of the human race are not bound within the perfection of physics. Rather, they are bound solely within the perfection of divine love.

We have evolved from basic matter into advanced social human beings as an apparatus for love to fully experience itself. We did not cause this to happen, and nor can we claim credit for any accomplishments we might experience in life. We are here so that the unknown can experience the inexplicable in greater depth. So that life itself can be surprised, awed, and marveled at over and over again.

Our life is like a painter who creates painting after painting after painting to no end. How many possibilities are there in a blank canvas? Does this amount ever truly diminish throughout a painter’s life? Will there ever come a time when a blank canvas has no option? Why does the painter continuously paint? For love. For nothing but love does anyone act. Even acts of fear, hatred, and violence are misconstrued attempts to regain or heal a love that is seemingly gone or damaged.

Love is the first cause of every action. At a glance, this is an intellectual paradox. How can all the faults, evils, and mistakes of the world be initiated by love? Because all life comes from and returns to love. How do mammals procreate but through some loving exchange? How does anything in nature survive but through some symbiotic relationship to something else? How infinitely perfect do all the conditions have to be for even the simplest of processes to take place? This absolute perfection is divine love and it is completely present throughout the entire living cosmos. In a word, the entire living cosmos is love itself. It is the eternal living Word of God. The Logos.

I can only hear this perfect word within the silence of my true heart. In fact, my heart knows no other word but this one. I cannot speak this word because all of my complex intellectual language is contained within it. I can only point…and even that is insufficient because I cannot point to the middle, when I am standing in the center.

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